Saturday, July 24, 2010

Ramona and the Magic Shoes - 7

Inside the studio, pandemonium had ensued.

Sam ran towards Adrien with a look of desperation.

"Now what, Adrien?! That air-headed twit has gone and done it! She poked herself in the eye with her mascara brush and now she's being rushed to the emergency room. We haven't got a Julia! She'll be wearing an eye-patch for weeks! If I ever get my hands on Ted in casting, I swear I'll ..."

Sam made various violent gestures that boded ill for Ted in casting.

Sam stopped short when he saw Ramona.

"Well hello there." he said. "Friend of Adrien's?"

"It appears that way." said Ramona.

"Friend of mine, then, if I may make so bold."

"I'm growing used to boldness today."

"Sam, this is Ramona." said Adrien.

"It's a real pleasure." said Sam. "But Adrien, what are we going to do? We've got exactly 6 weeks to shoot this picture, and we haven't got a leading lady. Granted, Maureen was a tarty little trollup without a lick of acting experience, but still! She was better than nobody!"

"I've got the girl for you Sam. She's standing right here. She makes Katherine Hepburn look like a dime-store hussy. She's got a soul, Sam. And she's got moxy."

Sam stroked his chin reflectively.

"Huh ... can you tap dance, missy?"

"Of course."

"Then you're hired. Pam! Get this lady in a costume, pronto!"


  1. Just got caught up. Seems I can't get into the daily swing of story time. Especially when Jessie is always taking "my" computer away for days at a time.

  2. When, oh when will the next installment arrive? My days are besotted with craven staggering, futile attempts to achieve the precise lack of equilibrium required to imagine the subsequent events of this scintillating tale! Ah, put me out of my misery and write another chapter, for pity's sake! (Excuse me now while I consult a dictionary to find out what I just said.)

  3. "Besotted with craven staggering ..." He he he! That's the best.
