Thursday, July 15, 2010

Ramona and the Red Shoes - 1

Note: This story was inspired by a rather remarkable pair of bright red, 5-inch heels that I bought for my brother's wedding, in which I was a bridesmaid. They are the sort of shoes that I would never buy for myself, except that they exactly matched my dress and were 75% off. The latter was enough to at least get me to give them a chance. Anyways, once I did buy them, I found them to be a deeply inspiring springboard for the following tale, which I hope you will find at least moderately riveting/entertaining.


Once very long ago there was a girl who was short of stature and had but lacking self-assurance. She was neither particularly hideous-looking nor wholly without wits, but she was convinced that she was really quite a woofer and weak in the head. Her friends all told her she was fine, she just needed a Boost of Confidence.

So she went to the Magic Man and asked him what she should do. The Magic Man lived on the very highest floor of the very tallest department store in the whole city. He was very wise, and some said he even had the ability to wear any size shoe with a flawless fit, no matter how large or small.

"Mr. Magic Man," said Ramona (her name was, in fact, Ramona) "I haven't got a lick of self-confidence. Not one lick. What I must I do?"

The Magic Man pulled out a box. Inside the box was a pair of Red Shoes. Ramona was dazzled. They were very Red. Fire-engine red. Geranium red. Licorice-whip red. Christmas-paper red! Not only that, but they had glorious, sky-scraper-high heels, the kind where you can see France without even standing on tip-toes.

"There," said the Magic Man gravely. "Poke your tootsies in those babies."

Ramona put the Red Shoes on and immediately felt a jolt of electricity travel from her toes all through her arteries and blood cells.

"It's a miracle!" said Ramona. "I don't feel dull. I don't feel drab. I don't feel dim! I'm over the moon, Mr. Magic Man! This is the best thing that's ever happened to me!"

1 comment:

  1. ..all through her arteries and blood cells? sinckering at that.
