Friday, July 2, 2010

George and the Amazing Boomerang - 11

Then a dreadful thing happened. The little girl smiled. When she smiled, George saw that she had just lost her first tooth. His courage failed him. She had so much to live for, so much to discover in life: tooth-fairy visits, the state fair, candy-corn, Halloween parties, and Saturday morning cartoons! He couldn't do it.

"You can't have it." he said. He pushed away her nickel and put the Boomerang in his back pocket. "It's mine."

"No MINE!" Shrieked the little girl.

"What a rude boy!" said an old lady sitting on a bench nearby, and rattled her dentures at him scoldingly.

George's temper started to flare and he heard the ominous siren song of the Boomerang in his back pocket. He ran away, more miserable than ever.


  1. Yes it is. Preston just read it outloud to the kids in the car on the way to ludington, and they want MORE, MORE Ramona's story time!!!!

  2. I'm sorry! I just didn't want to break up the sections and I didn't know where to cut it off. You think this is EASY, woman?!

  3. I am really enjoying this story, too. However, I have to know how a girl who can only say "mine" and keeps her finger in unpleasant places can have lost her first tooth already. Perhaps a boomerang accident that has affected her mental abilities? Not nitpicking, of course (or nosepicking, for that matter); well, maybe I am (nitpicking, not nosepicking).

  4. Rachel, is there a way to enable it for RSS feeds? When I try to add it to my pocket PC it keeps giving me an authentication failure, even after I've put in my username and password.

  5. @ Pat: I um ... I don't know the answer to that question. And I agree that it's a little unrealistic that she would be sticking finger in nose and losing a tooth. I'll have to tweak it, I think.

    @Robin: I think it's so sweet that you guys read it every day! I am imagining Presto reading it out loud, heh heh...

  6. Well we kinda fell off the bandwagon for a few days. We couldn't use the Internet in ludington. But we'll be back on track tomorrow. The kids will love having several days worth of reading.
