Wednesday, July 7, 2010

George and the Amazing Boomerang - 15 - THE END!

In the end, George sold the Boomerang to the museum, with a written stipulation that it would never be sold to any private collector. He got a nice sum for it, more than his father usually made in a year. He didn't really feel like he had earned it, so with his parents' help, he put some of it away for college, and the rest he sent to an orphanage in Guam.

He never went to see the Boomerang at the museum. Mr. and Mrs. Howard went on the first day the exhibit opened, at the express invitation of the museum, but George decided to stay home. He reckoned he had seen more than enough of the thing to last him a lifetime.

Mr. Mack recovered fully from his accident, except that he had a pretty severe case of amnesia. He was still able to go back to his old job of driving the school-bus, and all the students decided that amnesia must agree with him, because he was a much happier, kinder and more caring individual from that time forth. George always remembered to smile and wave at him whenever he took the bus.

George returned to school again, as scrawny a little twerp as ever he had been, and once again faced the poundings Porky and his gang. He didn't face it for too much longer, though, due to the fact that not long afterwards, Porky Pete was discovered to have a deathly peanut allergy which made it necessary for him to eat at a separate table and carry around an emergency case so that if he did have a reaction, someone could stick him before it got fatal. George was left much more in peace after this point, and he found that if he ever did see Porky Pete coming at him with a swirly in his eyes, he could evade the situation by yelling "peanuts!" which would send Pete flying down the hall.

"Nurse Velma", or the Marvelous Man, as he know him, was never seen nor heard from again by George, but my sources lead me to believe that he is now residing in a drugstore basement in New Jersey, working on an invention that he calls "The Astounding Bald-Away", which promises to "banish baldness in the blink of an eye" and "guarantees increased attractiveness to the opposite sex."



  1. This has got to be one of the cleverest stories I've read in quite some time. Brilliant solution.

  2. Aw thanks Pat! It took me some time to come up with a way to get rid of the thing. :)

  3. ..and as this story is fictional, we all read the conclusion with an awareness that the implication of baldness decreasing a person's attractiveness to the opposite sex is, in fact, false.
